Who was Giuseppe Mazzini?

Mamta Yadav
2 min readAug 4, 2023


(The Rise of nationalism in Europe, History, class 10)

In 1815, after the defeat of Napoleon, the ruler of Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria were conservative. They didn’t want any radical change in society.

Conservatives restored the monarchy and a new conservative order in Europe and also tried to suppress the revolutionaries.

Many revolutionaries went underground to avoid repression. And, some set up Secret societies in many European states.

A secret society in Europe was a group of people who joined together and keep their activities, goals, and membership hidden from the general public.

The aim to set up these societies was to train the revolutionaries and spread the ideas of nationalism.

Giuseppe Mazzini was a one of the revolutionaries, who fought for his liberal ideas. He was born on June 22, 1805, in Genoa, Italy.

He played a significant role in the Italian unification movement, joined Carbonari, a Secret Society to overthrow monarchical form of government in Italy.

Throughout his life, Mazzini remained committed to the cause of Italian unification and independence. He engaged in various revolutionary activities, wrote numerous political essays and pamphlets, and corresponded with like-minded individuals across Europe.

He founded the “Young Italy” movement in 1831, which aimed to mobilize and unite young Italians to fight for independence.

Thereafter, he founded ‘Young Europe’, a secret society that consisted of young men from France, Poland, Italy, and some German states.

Guiseppe Mazzini wanted to unite Italy into one country and make it free from foreign rule. He became one of the key figures in the struggle for Italian unification. But, despite his passionate efforts, In 1861, the unification of Italy ultimately occurred under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Camillo di Cavour, But, Italy was a monarchy rather than the republican state that Mazzini had dreamed up.

Giuseppe Mazzini’s contributions to the Italian nationalist movement and his belief in the principles of democracy continue to be remembered as essential elements in shaping the modern Italian nation.

For detail information please watch my video on Giuseppe Mazzini. The Rise of nationalism in Erope, History, class 10

